May 04, 2002

It's 4:46 in the pm, and I just finished cutting my part of our lawn. I haven't written much about Kin'ta Lett lately, but then again there isn't much TO write right now, except his history and what he looks like and stuff like that... but that'll require me to get up and search through my bookbag, and I don't feel like that right now. Anywho, I have to work at 8am tomorrow, and my next workday is wednesday from sometime to 10:30pm... on a SCHOOL NIGHT!!! it's crazy, mudder suggested that I stay at carries that night, I kindda agree. Ah well, work is ok, it's fun sometimes, and really boring and I hate it others, but well, it's kind of like a love hate relationship. I like my job, and also I hate some aspects of it also. Ah well. I'm going to stop now I believe, and work on some other stuff, that and I need a nap. I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm tired, so after I'm doin' doin' what I'm planin' on doin' I'm prolly going to go take a nap. God Bless, have fun, and take care!
To any and all who read this, this is the last time I am going to mention Kin'ta Lett the Star Trek character on this blog, if you want to go see him and his history and bLog enteries, go to: . So yeah, I'm going to go to sleep now since its 3:08am, and I'm getting tired. Night, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Hey all! Well, Kin'ta Lett the Star Trek character's blog is now created, to visit that one go to: . When I learn how to post links, I'll post a link to it, but right now that's the best I can do. Jim might be lending me a book on how to program with HTML so that'll be a BIG help :) So I'll be learning and doing some pretty neat stuff!! Woohoo!! Also, I'd like to promote my inspirers website (which has a link to her blog on it *two thumbs up :)* wich is a major bonus. Her site is .She's a really good artist and a really cool person also. So, yup... I'm going to have to start doing some Kin'ta Lett stuff sometime... but hey :) ah well. Think that's all right now... I'm thinkin' that I'm going to hit the blogger websit to change the background of my blog or see if I can... all I have to do is find it.... hmmmm... well, God Bless, have fun, and take care!

May 03, 2002

Hmmmm.... it's 11:07pm, and I'm kindda tired, and bored... my feet are sore also, wearing my work boots to work ( I know that sounds stupid, but I work at Burger King, so I don't need steel toed boots puttin' burgers in the grill) so yeah.... well it's not my entire foot, it's just my heels. Ah well, as a "person" emailed me and told me to add him more into my blogs so alright Roberticus, you're in there again, you start talkin' to me more and come up with more ideas for the mission and we'll see what happens.... Also, I'm thinkin' of makin' another blog for my Star Trek stuff, so yup.... I'm thinkin' of puttin' up the history and bios of both Kin'ta Lett's.... yes, there's going to be two, one for Star Wars, which there already is and he's a Twi'lek and he's really cool. So I'm going to finish now and go and work on my other blog. So God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Well, this is my first blog of May 3rd 2002, and I'd just like to say, even though the Leafs lost last night, that's only one game out of 7 so, we can still come back. Also, I've been thinkin' about something that's tickled my mind for.... a while I guess, and it was brought up a bit last night while I was talkin' to someone on da phone, and I've come to a decision, I'm not sure if it's the right one or not, but I've decided so there. Yup, now, I can't think of anything else to put up here so I shall be writing to you again between 10:20am and 11:20am MY time, not blog time here, my time, cuz that's the time when I'm in my programming class... so yup, also Jim, I need some CD jewels (or whatever they're called) and also Jim, where were you last night? was there a play practice or somethin' cuz you weren't home and Drewbie brought his comp to your place.... ah well... I must leave now because I have an email to write!!! So, God Bless, have fun, and take care!

May 02, 2002

Well, I haven't posted in...... what time does this blog use!! it says that it's 12:34:44pm on my last blog post and I know for a fact that I posted it at around 3:30pm.... that's just messed up.... Oi, and things were lookin' up for a bit, now they're kindda lookin' down... but who knows what will happen..... Lord Jesus, please Father, I just put all my problems right now into your hands for you to fix and do with what You will. And forgive me please of all the sins I have commited. Amen. Oi, yup, if anyone who's reading this has any spare time and feels like teachin' someone html code, I could go for some of that.... need to learn it so that I can tweak my blog.... so yup... ah well....Think that's all right now. God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Yup, another post on the same day.... don't have much of a life do I? meh, this just popped into my head as I was talkin' to Ashby, if anyone can find a Star Wars Datapad, or computer terminal type background that I could use for my blog background that would be really cool, so yeah, this is my latest post, and might be my last, unless something else triggers me to post something up here... so God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Ooops... I forgot to say hi to other people... Hi GREG!!!!! in BC :( wish yous was here but grr... ah well. And also hi to Dana, a friend for short while, but it's felt like years and that I've known you for a long long time.... also to Wessel, your SeeD idea is, well, not well thought out yet, but keep workin' on it... Kayte, you are really good at drawing so don't stop that!!! and Krysty!!!! Oi, can't forget you, you're the one who introduced me into this!! Thanks and Hi!!!! HEHEHE... I have my own blog... ok yeah.. I'm happy... deal with it :P Yup, I'm goin' to go now.. tootles!! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Ooga booga booga!!! Yup, just my usual ramblings right now. I don't really have too too much to talk about right now.... 'cept that the Leafs are going to win against the Sens and there's nothin' to it!! So yeah, I just got burned copies of Starcraft from a friend of mine today, he misspelled the expansion one but hey, no one's perfect. Yup, otay, this is to the people who play the Star Wars RPG with me.... Rob and I have a mission in the making, Danny has one finished, but from what he's told me it's only for a few people so we all won't be able to play it... or so he says. I'm still workin' out a few bugs in peoples ideas, but hey. So yeah, my advice if anyone plays Danny's, be very careful, and the rewards are pretty good... I think I'm going to have a talk with him about that, cuz the rewards are just a little much. Ah well, we'll see when the time comes won't we. So yup, on a different note, Ashby and I are joining forces to buy a copy of the new Star Trek RPG, and we have decided that I'm GM or Star Wars and he's GM of Star Trek, so, when we buy it... and oh yes, we ARE buying it, either off of ebay or from the Decipher site we're getting it... we will have both Star Wars and Star Trek going. I'm going to get Ashby to post info about the Star Trek games and whatnot on his blog and the Star Wars stuff on mine. So yeah, I'm just workin' a few kinks out of the system right now, and soon it'll be up and running, oh and Ashby, as far as I know, we are still the highest bidders on the book so, that's good. Yup, also I'd like to say "Hi" to my hunny Jess :) I love you Jess!! :) I know you know, but hey.... hehehehe, now all I have to do is get her to come to my blog :D Now will her school block it off or no? Mine doesn't wich is cool, but then again her's is a Catholic school board so hmmmm. Ah well, yup I'm runnin' out of things to write so I shall stop here and I shall post later. God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Greetings all!! This is my first blog or online type thing ever!! Well, unless you count chatrooms and that sort of thing. But hey... yup, I've been persuaded, well, not really but I'll say that I have, to start up my own blog thingy here. Yup, I might change it and I might not, depends what kind of mood I'm in really. So, I'm going to just stop here, since I don't have much time in class left. So I'll either write more from home, or write more tomorrow so, I shall talk to anyone who reads this later, God Bless, have fun, and take care!