Well, I said that I would write on here later, and so I am... So, yeah...
Well to get yall up to speed on that little date thing that I went on, oh so many saturdays ago... It didn't go that well at all... or so I thought... in my opinion there was to many people there so both her and I just pretty much hid behind everyone else. So yeah... I'd go out with her again, if it was only us, or maybe us and her sister... and just for coffe, and maybe a movie... I know, it's old school but I'm a killer for the classics otay. So yeah...
Here's something that I've been struggling with for... well, since last year sometime, near the end of the year but it was still last year sometime... anywho. God told/prodded me that I should go to bible college... I pretty much... well no, actually DID tell him to go screw himself. Needles to say I was pretty pissed for the next, two weeks? Something like that. And it's been in the back of my mind since, and it's just starting to surface again. I'm handleing it a lot better this time, well, kindda. I'm mostly ignoring it. But I did check out a site with another of the Young Leaders here. It's the Bible College associated with the International House of Prayer. I can't remember the name of it, but it looks interesting. And so does the Teenmania School down in Texas. Ashby if you're reading this, That last bit there was pretty much telling you that you have one fan of you blogg :P that and everything that you were telling me/us about what it was like down there... So anywho. I'm on the search, kindda, for a Bible College. But I have one little rule for it though... It has to be spirit filled and allowing the flow of the gifts of the spirit... I know the wording is bad but the message is all that matters.
So yeah, yall who read this, if anyone does anymore, I would really appreciate info on any Bible Colleges and/or prayer for guidance and what not on where I'm supposed to go, and what I'm supposed to do, and when I'm supposed to do it.
Now that's a mouthfull and a load off... hmmm...
Yup, now to life. Life is, well, lots of the time, boring. I bought a copy of the RISK board game. Played it almost two nights in a row, going on a third night... and I'm STILL looking for a cheap daito bokken(boken)... I've been thinking of ordering the whole daito, shoto and tanto boken set off of gungfu.com, but I need someones creditcard for that one... *sigh* Yeah. Anywho, I'm not sure what else to talk about... Oh yeah! The Young Leaders here have a news letter called the Daily Destiny (i think :s) and I've been thinking of subbmiting a monthly little story thing about a guy, "Charlie Watt" and problems he faces and how he overcomes them (mostly with God's help) kindda thing, but I'm not sure how to do it, and I'm not sure what kind of problems he should face and what not, so... Advice and thoughts would be appreciated on THAT as well, if you don't want to post, or it's to big to post on my little post thingy, my email addys are:
So yeah, email me stuff to those accounts and we'll see what happens. Gracias everyone! Domo arigato and what not... so yeah, talk at yous later... and Jess, if you're reading this, I'll hopefully be able to call you tomorrow sometime, cuz I'm off and I don't gotta work... oh yeah, oh baby, oh yeah, *as chuck does a little stupid dance type thing* So yeah, after a mouthfull and a half here... I'm done. No more. FINISHED!
February 10, 2004
February 08, 2004

Which Final Fantasy (IV-X) Character are you?
by steevi
Yup... I got Stiener... Stiener's pretty cool... Or at least I think so... anywho... gotta go, might be on later.
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