Yup, I'm going to put something on here that, well, some people know, but I'm making it public... you don't like what you read, then go away.
I REALLY DON'T LIKE TIM!!! there, out in the open. Yup, you're probably thinking, "Who on God's green earth is Tim?". Well, he's a person I work with and he lives in the same house as me... and has no social skills whatsoever. He stands close enough to be your shadow, doesn't know when to leave, even when you tell him to go away, jumps into conversations that don't even include him, and how he talks... STARTS OFF LOUd and then goes real quite, almost a whisper... PICK ONE or the other. GOD! Yup, venting session... I could go on and on and on about this child, but, I think I've verbally berated him enough right about now... well, not enough for my taste, but probably enough for everyone elses... yup... that's pretty much what I wanted to get off my chest right now... so I shall leave it like that for the time being... yup.