February 24, 2004

Now this is interesting... they've changed blogger... again... I don't think I like this new layout... don't like it one bit.... hmmm... any who. Yup, as usual I haven't written anything on this thing in a long time... but that's nothing to uncommon for me. So yeah. I'm not sure what to put in this thing... well I have something... when I was back home durring the christmas holidays (I know that was a long time ago, but hey) I went to the optomitrist to get me eyes checked and Dr. Holmes found somthing very interesting. And some what dangerous. Apparantly I have a pterygium (I think that's how you spell it) starting on my eye... I can't remember wich one it is, but I know it's there... To those who don't know what a pterygium (pronounces ter-ig(soft g)-ium) is, and don't feel bad I had no idea what it was either, it's basically scar tissue that starts to grow where the iris meets the white (again, laymans terms, where the colored part meets the white, again don't feel bad, I forget half the time myslef ;) ) so, scar tissiue, iris, white, and it can grow across the iris and cover the pupil, and has to be surgically scraped off the eye, and then it's a hope and a prayer if you can see again out of that eye. Or so my impression was. That's a worst case sceinario. Kindda best case is that it stops growing and dissapears altogether. So yeah, don't know why I wrote that down here, but yeah. On to more happier things now.

I got really really upset at my boss on sunday and so did one of my fellow supervisor people... so, after ribs and beer and some people to listen to me bitch and complain, and surprisingly pick up the tab, I kindda felt better. Oh yeah, favorite new beer, Alexander Keith's. Very nice, very smooth. Any who, so I arranged a meeting with my boss for me, her, and me fellow supe to sit and talk about the schedule. So, all three of us come in pretty much guns loaded ready to fire so to speak, the emotion level was really high and so the meeting started off us shooting emotion at each other kindda thing, then somehow, God showed up and, my oppinion, sat on me. I lost all emotional feelings and it was replaced with an amazing calmness... so my mind opened up and I heared what my boss was saying and I saw what she was saying in a different light, me eyes were opened and me ears unplugged and what not.. it was really very cool... I came out of that meeting changed and better for it, and awed by that total God moment. God is so fun! :) But yeah, so, dude. I could go on but I think I'll stop here for the time being, and I'll do my best to get back on here sooner. Oh yeah, Ashby, and anyone else who wants to know, my days off are:
Wednesday 25
Friday 27

Still working on next months schedule so can't give those days to you. But yeah. Anywho, gotta go.

God Bless and Keep you,