May 10, 2002
Hey ya'll!! I am bald! Yup, got Karen to shave me head! It was so much fun! It felt so weird having the razor go over me scalp. I'm thinkin' I might keep it this way for a bit. Think I'll get Karen to be my designated hair shaver... maybe go there once a week or so. Depends. So yup, I gotta go to me sis' again, have to work for 6am tomorrow... Oi! but at least it's money! heheheh... money is a good thing to have.. so yup.. gotta go.. later! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 09, 2002
Again, I haven't talked to Krysty or checked my email in a day cuz I worked really late last night and I stayed at my sisters place. I'm still really tired, but hey, I have 2 periods after lunch where I can just sleep.... wonderful, glorius, useless sleep. Oi, Anna is so cute! So's hunter. All gone! hehehe, it's so cute. Little babies... then they grow up into people and it's... oi... ah well. I don't know what I'm going to write about right now.... hmmm..... Bev created this font for her language, wich, in my opinion needs a bit more work. I don't like the basic way she has it. The speaking of it is kinda, well, different, but ah well... I still have a bit more to go on the translation of it but hey. hmmm.... Looking up airsoft stuff on ebay... actually I think I might look for some pieces for my mandril that I'm still trying to make so that my chainmail business will start booming! hehehehehehe... hmmmm... I have to find out some stuff... hey, if I get that all working, I might be able to buy a computer from james if I pay him in links... hmmm... hehehehehe... interesting >:D (trying for an evil sinister type face... ah well, I'm going to stop here now. Yup, so, tootles everyone! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 08, 2002
Well, I haven't talked to Krysty since last night but hey, it's all good. Just have to wait for Jim to get that html book to me soon.. heheheh... ah well. Oi, my throat is sore for some reason.. and it's hot in this class :( I'm really bored cuz Mr. Robby (Robinson) is makin' us do this for next statement thing with this Fibonacci numbers thing... ah well. Oi, I'm still really confused on what I'm going to do with me romatic life.... I'm really confuzled and no one is helping me to make a decision, but ah well... Yup, and Burger is sittin' beside me, well, most the time this calss, and he's going to some other kids computer to see how to do this stupid programing thing... it's going a bit smoother now... but ah well, I'm going to edit some of my blogs... yup, the only one that hasn't changed the site of is my Star Wars one, and well, my Star Trek one for now. I'm still thinking of what to change that site name to, hmmm... Hey Stienburg came through! It worked!! woohoo!! yay!... now back to boredom.. so I think I'm going to go fiddle with my other blogs now. Later! oh yeah, the Devil is a PRICK (wise words from Cathie), and Jesus Loves YOU!!!! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 07, 2002
Oi, well, I'm not sure what I'm going to blog about right now. I'm just thinkin' of stuff. As I said before me and me girlfriend broke up... and I don't know what I'm going to do. There's well, hmmm, two girls that I may be interested in at school, but I don't know... one I think is interested in me, the other, I have NO idea. I could ask someone... hmmm, that could work... yeah, or wait... I dunno, well it might work. Hmmmm... who knows till I try eh? hey, who's playin? Oi... looks like detroit and colorado... and dane, it's not "D-troi-it" it's D-troit"... that bugs me for some reason when he says that all the time... ah well.... hehehe.. COOL!!! FIGHT!!!! hehehehe...and people keep complainin' about toronto fightin', oh wait... that looked like the Habs and Carolina... hehehehehe. Oi. I don't know WHAT I'm going to do right now. Yay! Krysty is (hopefully) gonna do that html coding for me! YAY!!! All applaud Krysty!!!! WOOHOO!!! Hmm, gotta buy her something Peachy. I'm pretty sure she still likes peach stuff... hmmmm now if only I can think of something... and if I have enough money. Well I gotta stop here for a minute. I'll just post this and then fiddle with stuff. so God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Well, I'm not going to get into major details of how it happened, but I'm just going to say that yesterday was a very weird day. Well, many things pointed that Jess and I might break up, and well, we did. It wasn't one of those tear jerkin' break ups. We both weren't crying blubbering that we didn't want to do this and all that. It was a mutual decision. We hadn't seen eachother in 2 months, and it didn't look like we were going to for a while so, ah well. It was fun while it lasted. Jess, I still care for you, I am going through that healing period thingy but, just the normal stuff... So anywho..... Well, I'm sitting in programming and it's really boring, ah well... hmmm... I have to get a reply thing on here. I want to hear peoples oppinions on what I put up.... Oi, well, if you want to reply or whatever I check my email regularly, it's So if you want to get into contact with me for any reason, well, within reason, but anything to help me out anyhow. So yup. I'm going to be getting one of my friends, my blog inspirer, Krysty! *Trumpet fanfare* All.... hmm, all hail doesn't work... ah... All applaud Krysty!!!! YAY!!! Yup Krysty is going to help me out with adding links to my other blogs, and to all me friends other blogs. WOOHOO!! so yup, I'm getting bored, so I'm going to stop and write some of my other blogs. Yup, later all! Oh yes, GOD LOVES YOU! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 06, 2002
I've changed the addys of all my blogs and I've done some different moving and other things with my blogs so yeah.... well, hmmm.... I think I'm going to post this and then I'm going to go work on my other one(s), I know that I'm going to work on my Star Trek one but I'm not sure if I'm going to work on my Star Wars one.... hmmm.... well the site for my Star Wars one is:
And I'm going to go work on my Star Trek one, so yup. Gob Bless, have fun, and take care!
And I'm going to go work on my Star Trek one, so yup. Gob Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 05, 2002
Yup, I've done my shift as you can tell by the major time differences between this post and my last post. This sunday actually went a lot better then last sunday did. It took us less time, prolly cuz we knew where almost everything went this time :) but ah well, I'm also workin' a 5 1/2 hour shift on wednesday, so that should boost my hours (and pay :D) up a lot, but hey, at least my paycheck should be above $100, actually, with my last check, it was $110 without today's hours inputed in, hmmmm.... I'll have to go check that, well, not right now, maybe later. So yup, I'm thinkin' that I might put Kin'ta Lett's history and description and what not up here with my next post, but we'll have to see. Well, I'm off to do other things right now, I'd just like to say "Hi" to all me buds, ya'll know who ya's are ;) and "Hi" to me hunny again, love you Jess!! And people who will demand personal noticement, like Roberticus, Greg (just quiet you), and Dana, yup especially Dana, cuz Dana, you're cool!!!! No if and's or buts about it, oh yeah, you're also pretty. Don't argue with me you are!! And everyone who has Dana's ICQ# or MSN I'd like you to tell her that she's pretty, cuz she needs to hear it more often so that she might actually start to agree with it :P Yes Dana, I'm out to get you, but in a good way :D hehehe, yup, so that's about all for this post, so, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Stupid internet disconnected me just now..... grrr... beat it with a stick!! Ah well. Just to let ya'll know, Ashby and I were out bid for the book, but luckily we still had 2days 15hours to up it so I upped it to $18 american, wich roughly goes to $28 or so canadian. It's still cheaper then at the Decipher website, and I'm hopin' it stays under $28american cuz the book from the site is like, $29.99 or something close to that. So yeah, I'm up at 6am on a sunday, because I have to be in at work for 8am, oh joy oh bliss. As I've said many times before, sundays will either make me or break me... hopefully they'll make me, but you never know, I am a bit on the chunky side, and out of shape, but I'm trying to rectify that. Ah well. Dana is ticked at me for the.... what, 15th time or something. I'm not too to sure why she is again, but hey, does a lady EVER need a reason to get mad at men? Not that I can think of. But ah well, gotta luv 'er. And I'm still tryin' to think up something for Jess and I to do so that we can finally see eachother, wich we haven't done since, oh geez..... he party! I can't even remember when that was but ah well. I'm just thinkin' about stuff right now... and I have more things to do right now, sOOOooo, I gotta go. God Bless, have fun, and take care!
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