May 05, 2002

Yup, I've done my shift as you can tell by the major time differences between this post and my last post. This sunday actually went a lot better then last sunday did. It took us less time, prolly cuz we knew where almost everything went this time :) but ah well, I'm also workin' a 5 1/2 hour shift on wednesday, so that should boost my hours (and pay :D) up a lot, but hey, at least my paycheck should be above $100, actually, with my last check, it was $110 without today's hours inputed in, hmmmm.... I'll have to go check that, well, not right now, maybe later. So yup, I'm thinkin' that I might put Kin'ta Lett's history and description and what not up here with my next post, but we'll have to see. Well, I'm off to do other things right now, I'd just like to say "Hi" to all me buds, ya'll know who ya's are ;) and "Hi" to me hunny again, love you Jess!! And people who will demand personal noticement, like Roberticus, Greg (just quiet you), and Dana, yup especially Dana, cuz Dana, you're cool!!!! No if and's or buts about it, oh yeah, you're also pretty. Don't argue with me you are!! And everyone who has Dana's ICQ# or MSN I'd like you to tell her that she's pretty, cuz she needs to hear it more often so that she might actually start to agree with it :P Yes Dana, I'm out to get you, but in a good way :D hehehe, yup, so that's about all for this post, so, God Bless, have fun, and take care!

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