Well, I could state the obvious and say that I haven't written anything in here for a long time... but I just did so I won't ;) Any who, quite a bit has happened since I last wrote on here... Hmmm, where to start. *sigh*
Well the school is done and over with and pretty much most of the people are gone, and SWAT (Singing Waters Advanced Training) is starting tomorrow, so we had to turn the whole house around in two days... It's been done before with less time and less people, but we still did a pretty sweet ass job about it if I do say so myself. I just have to thank God and thank all the people who helped out with everything here, and a very deep thanks goes to my lovely young people that I couldn't have done this without. We got through the last couple of days with a few minor hickups, nothing to major, but to be expected. So all in all this day was a very good day.
And that brings me to some more interesting news. Before the begining of this year we hired a house keeper/head supervisor type person, Debbie. Debbie was pretty good. After a while and a huge God slap, I actually started to like her a lot more and realized that she was doing some pretty good stuff, and had some pretty niffty ideas about things. But unfortuneatly, before all her ideas could come into plan so to speak, she quit. That was... Yesterday I think, and so that made me "Top Dog", El Numero Uno, The Head Honcho, The Big Kahona, and so on and so forth... and I can honestly say that I was scared to the extreme. I didn't think that I was ready for this, but it seems that everyone else, including God, thought that I am, and so I'm in charge of House. A big load... oh my word. Things just keep clicking... so odd.
Ok, to explain that last sentence there I have to tell you about some other things that have happened. A few weeks ago after our bi-weekly meetings with Rick and Bev Lamberick, I did a bit of an interview with them and then they said some things (I can't remember them all) but I remember something about having big shoulders and that I am ready and can take a big load (I think, can't quote me on that), and then, just last thursday after our last meeting with Rick and Bev, I was talking to Lisa, and the whole thing about "Why has God called me here?" popped up, and then we got into the convo of, "Do we really want to know?" and so I said to God "Yeah, I really want to know." and He said, "You wanna know? Good cuz I'll tell you." and then I said "WAIT!! NOT RIGHT NOW!!" but He just proceeded to tell me, "To Lead" He said... and I told Him, "To Lead?! Yeah, right. I'm not a leader. I suck at it." And low and behold, here I am... Leading, and not sucking at it... Thanks Daddy. You said I was here to Lead, and Lead is what I'm doing, and I'm doing my best at it... Still scared, but I think that's kindda good... cuz I'm relying on God, and not on myself. Fun lesson to learn eh? *sigh* God is fun. I think I'm going to tell Lisa this... hmmm.. Anywho, I gotta go y'all. Love everyone lots and lots... and Jim, if you are reading this, I do mean to call you, I just have to find your # again ;) God Bless everyone, and Buh bye! :)
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