January 29, 2007

Don't know if the person that I'm going to talk a little about reads this or not, leaning towards not but hey, if ya ever do, and just to cover me arse, don't hurt me ^^

"u'r fam will be in my prayers tonight, stay strong and have faith"

This if comming from a person, from what little I know of them (mind you I would LOVE to know as much as I possibly could but hey) they have every right and reason to disbelieve in Yahweh, and turn their back on faith of any kind and here they are, sayin' they'll pray for me, and to have faith, and here I am, raised on faith and Yahweh. Living and BREATHING that life and I've lost faith, and I hardly ever pray... it just boggles the mind, and I just took a 5 minute break there to cry for the first time in a very long time. Facial muscles aren't used to that, kindda hurt :S
But yeah, this person's helped me, not sure if they know how much, and they're still helping me... it's, somedays I look at it and think that it might not be the most healthy, to rely and depend on someone that much and you don't know where exactly anything is going, and then there's other times when I've been waiting all day or week to talk/see this person and, it just makes me so happy just talking with them, (to quote Green Day) about nothing and everything all at once... yes, I care for this person a lot, but anywho, that's enough tears for me tonight... post later. And oh yeah, for those who do read this, since I've upgraded to the "New Blogger" and don't have that little post board thing on the side, just click the "thoughts" link at the bottoms of me posts and leave a hi, or you're a loser or whatever, it's always good to know that people still read this, well, sometimes ;)

Chuck, the Owner

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I hear ya.