June 08, 2002

Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I've been accepted to go to Singing Waters!!! YEAH BABY!!!! So yup, I'm going to be going up there the first week of July, I'm going to wait till me next paycheck and then quit work, I know it's a little shallow but hey, I need the money. Yup, I still owe momma like $50 or so for a phone bill, crappy phone plan, I agree with Jim in buying that one that's free from 6pm to 8am or something like that, or that anytime anywhere in Ontario for 20 or 30 bucks or something like that. That sounds good to me. but it's Kevin's decision the doofus. Oi, well I want to call anytime I want to. I don't want to be stuck phonin' people at 6pm blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.... It's such a stupid argument..... Oi, ah well, I don't have to put up with it much longer! YAY!! I'm so happy, well I gotta go get something to eat now, since I haven't yet, well tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!

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