November 22, 2004

So, I don't know how many people read this... I'm thinkin' probably not too many since my posts are few and far between, but I'm still postin' ^^ So the updates of what's going on in my life. Well, though I did get accepted for the TESL course in November, I pulled out of that one and I'm going to be taking it in January. Money reasons, and stress reasons for that one. Still working at Future Shop, it's fun. I like the people that I work with so it's cool. The seasonal people and I are getting to be like our own little group and what not... it's odd... I'm getting along better with the people who'll only be here for a few months (if they don't get kept on after) then I am with a lot of the regular full/part time staff... but that's ok. So yeah, here comes the big one...I'm gonna make you scroll down for it hehehehehe :D You know you love me ^^

So yeah, I'm going out with someone from work ^^ Her names Amanda. She's come on as a seasonal person, and we kindda hit it off. We didn't know where exactly we were going with the relationship, and she and I have pretty much the same thoughts on it. We don't want to get involved unless there could be something farther down the road. And though we're takin' this really slow, like I'm talkin' second date I didn't hold her hand until like 3am and we left at 11pm, and last night/this morning we saw National Treasure, and then went to her place til 4am and we didn't kiss until, well, around 4am. So yeah, we've done the first kiss... and we've both found out that we're a little rusty... I know some people will be sayin' "How can you be rusty at kissing?!" Trust me... when the last person you kissed was your girlfriend in grade.... 11 I that's around 3-5 years( I know, I've lost count) you get a little rusty. So anywho, I gotta go, I start work at 11am, so I gots ta start movin' my booty... anywho, I'll write to y'all later.


October 31, 2004

Yup, just checked my blog... yup, long time... anywho, for those of you who still read my stuff, I'm putting new stuff up here. So, yeah, what to put up. Well, I've been accepted to the TESL course (PRAISE GOD!!) I was praying that I would get into it, but had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to... and I just learned that most everyone at work is not too happy with me. Yeah, well to explain that, I've been calling in sick at least once a week, and they're starting to get upset with that... my explination (I know, spelt wrong) is... we don't have many different types of food here, or much at all, so I believe I'm sufferring from malnutrition and malnourishment... or (if thems ain't the right words) lack of the basic food groups and lack of food. So, my sister gave me a verbal ass kicking yesterday... wich is good, I think I needed that, well KNOW I needed that, but still didn't like it... who likes getting their ass kicked? anywho, so I'm hopefully going to talk to Mark, and possibly my supervisor(s) today, when I figure out what time it is... all our clocks say 9:30am and the clock on hte computer is saying 8:30am... who do I listen to... I'll just check my blog cuz I have the time on it... I think anywho. Yeah, I feel bad. But I'm askin' God to help me with today more then ever cuz I have to face the music kindda thing. I think I'm done now, want to check what time it is before I do anything else so I guess I'll post back up here someother time then eh? Later, and God bless


September 15, 2004

Greetings ya'll! It's been ages since I last posted anything on here, but that's for, well semi-good reasons. Job hunting, game playing, you know how it is. Anywho, I'm on here to say that I have a job now! YEY^^! I'm working at Future Shop. Oh yeah. I'm starting today at 2pm, so I'm going to have to learn the bus system. I don't know how it works. I think I'm gonna put some outside pants on and walk down there to see what the times are and all that shtuff. Anywho, I just had a foop, so I's gots to go to da potty, so I guess I shall see ya'll later.

July 28, 2004

I don't know what I'm going to write about in this one. I'm pretty tired. Didn't sleep till 5:30 -6 this morning, and for some stupid reason I woke up at 9:30, but thankfully I went back to sleep till noonish. Chris rented some pretty sweet games. Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, and Dynasty Warriors 4. Both really awesome games. Dynasty Warriors 4 (and all the Dynasty Warriors games) use the Characters from Dynasty of an Empire, the old and really awesome NES game. It's really really sweet. And in Dynasty Warriors 4 you can create your own character. So I created my own guy and he looks sweet! He's got this really awesome large two-handed sword. I really really like him. So yeah, anywho, I still need to get in contact with me mum to finalize details and what not, of me commin' home. So my last day is on the 5th of August, I'm gonna be packin' all the 6th and probably/hopefully go into town and buy some stuff for me Playstation... like a memory card. I agree with some comments I read on the EBGames site, that they should give you a memory card free with your origonal purchase of a PS2, cuz what game will you play that you don't have to save? Pretty much none, so yeah, just a money grabbing technique. Crappy corporate dickweeds. so yup, that felt better. I finaly got Final Fantasy X, and I'm up to the part where you fight Seymour in the temple of Macalania. Died. So I stopped right there and turned it off before I frustrated myself to the extreme if I died again. So yeah. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. So I shall go and see what's going on down in the Team Room.Oh yeah, I'm not sure if I put this up here but I traded in my busted used PS2 and payed a bit o' cash and got a Brand New PS2, so I'm pretty happy about that. Anywho, talk to ya'll later.


July 21, 2004

Well, for all those out there who don't know, TESL stands for Teaching English as a Second Language. So I'm going to be taking that (please Lord God!) in November and then (again please Lord God!) go and teach in Taiwan. I've hopefully got some contancts in Taiwan, so I'm prayin' that they can put in a good word or three and get me in there. I just feel like I'm supposed to go there. I've already got one of the peeps from Taiwan here sayin' that they'd help me as much as possible, I just need to get hold of one of the others to see if she can do anything. The only downside is that, well, she's in Taiwan right now so I'll have to get Gloria or Ethan to help me call her. So anywho, I gotta go, work and all that. Also pray that I stay awake and stop feelin' so crappy. I feel like I'm gonna hurl.

Love Y'all


July 17, 2004

Well, to state the obvious, I haven't put nothin' up here in a while so, here I go. So yeah, my plans have been somewhat altered, but still aimin' for the same thing. I'm still leavin' sometime between the 6 and 10 of August, and I'm still plannin' on takin' the TESL course, but I'm not takin' the September one, I'm aimin' for the November one, so yeah. Anywho, I have also come to a conclusion. My leaving here is only a temporary thing. Not unlike what Deckie did, well there are similarities but different circumstances and whatnot. So yeah, I'm supposed to come back here, when I'm not sure. *sigh* So yeah, that's the update, oh wait, there's more stuff actually. My TV died, (I think it might have been struck by lightning) and my PS2 is screwin' up, so I'm takin' the PS2 back and getting a refund and then I'm going to buy a brand new PS2 and start from there, and my TV, if it costs more the $100 to fix, I'm getting a new one. Anywho, that's about it. Still need to pack and everything, *sigh* I hate paking. Oh, and on a more, umm... well, whinging note. I still don't like Tim. If anything my dislike for him as grown since the last time I stated that. Just to add to the previous list:
He has no respect for anyone (that I can observe)
He'll verbally assualt and push around whoever won't fight back
His laugh is one of the most annoying things I've ever heard
He wants to be included in everything yet won't make an effort at all
(I know, you can say I'm judging, nit-picking whatever, I'm just stating why I really really [borderline hate] this person)
So yeah, anywho, I gotta go.
Later all

July 11, 2004

So yup... today is... well, sometime in July so it's been a while since me last post. But that's otay. So I've had a slight change of plans, instead of signing up for the September TESL course, I'm going to aim for the November course. Plus the November course is good cuz it's over in three weeks instead of six. Added bonus. That and it gives me... three months or so to find a job and save some denari. So yeah, I'm still leavin' between the 6th and 11th of August, just tryin' to figure out when exactly, so that roughly gives me about a month or so to do what ever I'm going to do with me stuff. *sigh* packing again. Well, that shouldn't be too bad this time... I'm not to sure though, but I hope so. Anywho, I gotta go to work... oh yeah, I'm buying a knife from It's a hand made knife, right off the anvil kindda deal. Well, probably not RIGHT off the anvil but hey, and it also has an antler handle so it's a little more pricey but hey, $55 for a hand made knife with antler handle and shipping included... not a bad deal. And add onto that that they're Canadian. CHA CHING!! That's where the bulk of this paycheck is going to, then I'm buying (hopefully) something for Ms. Joyce, so I have to check with Steph on that one, to see if she won and how much I owe her. hehehehe. I'm not sayin' what it is just in case Ms. Joyce is readin' this. That and if I have money left over, I'm going to see King Arthur on tuesday, and if I gots cash left over from that (please Lord God) I might be buyin' a PS2 game... mua ha ha ha ha. Anywho, gotta go, work and all.

Love y'all and God bless!

June 30, 2004

Yup, had a really good convo with Ashby... lastnight/early this morning. It was really cool. Just tellin' ya Ashby mate, I don't think I spent an hour this morning, but all in all from this mornin' till the afternoon I think I was about 2 or more, it was cool. I think I need to diversify tho, but anywho... comes with practice and trial and error eh? I know, the rest of ya's are like:

"What the heck is he talkin' about eh?"

Well, I'm gonna keep y'all in the dark. HA HA!!
BUGS MUST DIE!!! I'm sorry, just getting eaten alive by some sort of really small flying insect. Anywho... Yup, now to the very fun and intersting stuff... DUH Duh duhhhhhhhhh... What's going on with Chuck's life. WAHHHH!!! NOOOO!! AHHHH!!! as everyone screams in panic and mass hysteria... now we're done. Good. Anywho, yup, talkin' to Ma today to find out when would be the best time to come home so I could take the TESL course, and we decided that takin' the September course at Ottawa would be good, and I could stay with my sister, or work something out, find a temp place to work for some quick cash and whatnot and then take and finish the course, and then go on me way! BUT! Damn I hate but's... I had this nagging feeling, that I'm not supposed to do that. So in essence, I may be back to, well not square one, maybe square two or three. I'm still leanin' towards leavin', but I'm going to try to weigh the options more on both sides and try to get some other peoples oppinions about all this, and get a little more in the prayer thing. Which hasn't been one of my strongest area's, but hey, I'm only human... that wishes I could be a cyborg, kind of thing. I'll explain that one some other time, if I remember about that. Well, had this idea about a pretty funky story, but I'm not sure how it'll work out, but anywho, I gotta go. Gonna go bug people or something.

Love y'all, and God Bless!

June 29, 2004

Well back at the lovely blogger, talkin' to three peeps. *sigh* reminds me of the old days. *contented sigh* Not all of the old day things were bad. Anywho, enough reminicing. On to blogging! Dah dah DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! and all that fanfare type stuff... yeah.

Yup... sittin' here, lookin' at the monitor. Well lookin' at the words forming that I'm typing and what not... wow, this is, well, kindda... I don't know. Just a random rambling session about, well, anything and nothing... kindda whatever pops into me head. Kindda the main theme of this blog... random things... well, not always, but whatever I want to put on here. so, yeah. Lets start with this morning. (this blogging session might be a bit lengthy, so if ya gotta pee, do it now ;) )

So, wake up this mornin' as I normaly do. Alarm goes off, I hit the snooze, snooze goes off, then I get up and shower and what not, you know the drill. So, on my way into work I'm like, "God, I want this day to be a good day. Help make it a good day." And so I went to the computer in the General Office, and did some surfing and whatnot, and then went to devotions. I normally don't like devotions but they were pretty good this morning. Listened to a tape of Grahm Cook (if that's how you spell his name) He's a pretty funny bloke. And I can say that cuz he's English. So yeah, anywho, after we listened to the tape for a while it was time to stop, and so we prayed for whoever wanted prayer. And Pokey asked for prayer and some peeps went and prayed for him, and I did the whole, from a distance prayer (might talk about that later) and so yeah. Sitting there, and well, low and behold, God shows me somethin'. I'm sittin' there and lettin' my imagination run wild, and then God used it and showed me something about Pokey (I might tell about that later in this) and I was kindda weirded out cuz that hasn't happened in a while so wha. Anywho, then we go to work, and I had a pretty good team goin' on today, and we get somestuff done. Not everything that I wanted to get done, but hey, it happens. And so then we had this meeting at 1pm, and talked about what we want to do for the "YLIT Outing" that's being planned. And so, apparently we're going to the beach, and one of the YLIT's asked if it was optional or did we have to go, and so we were told that, pretty much, madatory thing. Well that sent off Mr. Rebellious mode in me. I hate being told I have to do some group thing. Work, that ain't bad, part of the job. But when I'm forced to do something with a group of people, if it's not what I signed up for, then mate, be prepared for me to tell you that I DO have a choice to go or not to go. So yeah, that ticked me off, but in a sense, I gotta get over it. Well, yes and no, not getting into that. So, I go down to Pokey's office to kindda see how he's doin' and vent a bit. And then I share with him what I saw. Again, I'm still somewhat new, somewhat not to this kindda stuff and so (I don't think I'm gonna put it on here, to private and not my thing to tell) and so, we do some spiritual stuff (dang I need Q-tips... anywho) and then yeah, from there the day goes pretty well, so God did what I asked and I'm very thankful of that... that and he showed me somethings that I needed re-showing, and reconfirmation and what not, but all in all, I still need to delve deeper into Him and talk to Him and listen to Him, and do stuff for Him and not for me, and OI... I'm a putz. Yup, anywho. I think that pretty much describes my day. So it's been a pretty cool day... that and I have to clean my room. Yup, so I think I'm going to call me momma and find out some stuff, and see how things are going and all that other schtuff. Anywho, to those who read this, my applause and respect. I know this probably wasn't the easiest thing to sit through, but you made it to the end and if I could, I'd give you a medal... but I don't got any so, I'll just give you a virtual hug.. how about that?

Love yous all,
I'm not too sure what to write right now... Don't have much time so I'll just write something possibly pointless and short. Anywho... Yup, I gotta get a hold of me mum to get some info from her to see when would be a good time to come home. Cuz if possible, I could go home and take the TESL course in August, or I could go home and take it in September. So I have to figure out wichone is the best one... so I gotta go.

I shall write again soon.

June 20, 2004

I know... my post board thingy is all messed up right now. Last time I looked at it it looked a lot better then the first time, but hey. Anywho, I think I've made my decision. I think I'm leavin' Signing Waters. I just need to get my resume up and running and up to date kindda thing. *sigh* Today was a good day, today is one of those days that I'm going to miss. But I think that I'm supposed to leave. I'm going to have a talk with the Boss Lady, about this among other things, and see what goes down after that. Well, I'll lay my plan down here right now:

-Give my completed Resume to my Cousin and she hands it in to Christian Horizons
-Get an all-in-one interview (see if I'm what they're lookin' for, and where to put me) since the one I'm applying to is two hours away
-Hopefuly (please Lord God) get a part time position (40hrs a week [$11-15 an hr]) and save up some money.
-Go home and take the TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) course and complete that.
-and after that, get a placement somewhere and travel and see the world and see what God has in store for me.

This is my main thing right now... it's my main prayer (if anyone wants for a prayer listy thingy) and I'm hopeing it's right. I've always felt a pull towards the Teaching English stuff, but I've never in a sense had the right opportunity, and I think my time is up at Singing Waters, so I'm just going to go for it. And if this plan falls through, plan B:

-Go home
-Ask Dan for the same deal he did with Luis and the others
-Ask me mum and nan for the money to take the TESL course and go from there

So either way, I think I have most of the bases covered. Please Lord God help me with this. Make this plan come into fruition. Make it good in Your eyes, and put me on the path that You want me to be on.


June 18, 2004

Hey Ho all you lovely people who read this. Anywho, I've come to a really important decision. I think I've already put the choices on here, and then I thought that I had figured it out, and now... well, I'm back to square one again. I'm starting to get more information and send information and what not. But anywho, the lowdown of if is, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be at Singing Waters anymore, so I'm exploring other options and things like that, so, in essence I'm askin' for any info (if possible from God) as to if I'm doing the right thing or not. I'm feeling like I could swing either way and it might be good, but I'm not sure what so, anywho, gotta go yall, love yous lots.


June 16, 2004

My japanese name is ? Hara (wilderness) ? Shou (soar).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

June 12, 2004

A whole bunch of us watched Mystic River last night (and carried into this morning), and I thought it was a very good movie. I'm not starting a film critic thing here, but something in that movie really touched me. The relationship with the two brothers. Well, the "Harris" brothers. I dunno, (I know I'm gonna get all sappy and what not right now, but it's the truth and how I feel) whenever I see a brother relationship like that, or a close brother relationship, I feel a bit of regret. I miss my brother. And I miss bein' there for him, and I miss helpin' him with stuff and just hangin' with him. And I love my brother so much, and I don't like how I can't be there for him... it's really hard for me. I know, it's kind of a whinging thing right now, but hey... Drew if you're reading this, I love you bro. I always have and I always will.


June 11, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of ALL ages... I have One of the biggest announcements to make...
(If you can't see it... scroll down)


Yup, but unfortuneatly I don't have a PS2 memory card, I might look on ebay and bum some money off of people if it's cheap, but for now I'll just stick with Front Mission 3, and I also bought Enter The Matrix for PS2 last night as well... I think I got a nice distance... stupid Agent killed me; or, well, the fall killed me, the Agent chaseing me made me fall... so anywho, without a PS2 memory card I have to start all over again, but that's ok, I can see if I can master those levels... hehehehe.. anywho, gotta go, cleaning the house, going to devotions... you know how it is.


May 31, 2004

Well, a new day and a new blog, hehehehe... Yup, just got back from home. Jim, Krysty and Michelle (sorry if I spelt it wrong there mate) Picked me up on the 23rd, then we proceeded to Anime North in Toronto, wich was wickedly COOL!!! Wish I knew how much money I had on me cuz I woulda/coulda bought some stuff *sigh* but anywho. Yeah, then we started our trek again and after battling the evil "Windshield Wiper" With over 1,000,000 HP and us with our little "The Club" and ice scrappers for weapons AHHHHHHHHHH!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! We finally beat it!! MWA HA HA HA HA!!! but that came later. After our first few unsucsessful battles with it, it stopped raining so we made our way to the ever so wise "Teacher of DRAMA" house and learned many life lessons. Like never keep rabbits inside. Even if you get them litter trained, they still drop little rabbit raisins all over the place. So, after many leassons on both sides, we felt we were ready to try to continue on our journey. So we all piled into the oddly working "Ve'icle" and set off into the wide blue yonder. Then, disaster struck! DUH DUH duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The rain started to pour again, and with the rain came... THE ATTACK OF THE EVIL WINDSHIELD WIPER!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It defeated us again and again and again, until! Jim was struck by lightning! (well, lightning struck my brain kindda thing... you know) and he pulled over the Ve'icle and cautously approched the evile "WIPER" and POUNCED!! He pushed down hard and paralyzed the evil creature, and it stays that way till this day. When it will break from the paralysis, no one knows. Anywho, that was like, super cool... anyway, it'll take me forever to write the entire blog out like that so I'll just do it normally now.
So we arrived at the Ottawa residence of Jim, Bev, Krysty and Michelle (again, sorry about the spelling) and I had an amazing time while I was there. Just veggin' out readin' manga, and watchin' anime, and playin' FF XI and other sweet games. Very cool. And then came the time to go and visit the family. It was actually pretty fun... I need to call my dad though, hmmm... should do that soon... anywho, yeah, the only thing/person I had a problem with was my little cousin Erik. He's about 11-13, wich I can't remember, but he was really annoying... you remember when you were really young, and you thought your older siblings/cousins/close family of some sort (and of the same gender) was really cool, and you were trying to impress them with your coolness, and maturity and you thought you were succeeding... well, I now understand why the kept shunning me... cuz I looked and sounded like a complete fool. So yeah, had to deal with that for, a few hours out of a weekend. Even though that doesn't sound like much, trust me, it seems like forever. Anywho, all and all my trip back home was a sucsess and was totally awesome.
And then there came the ride back to Singing Waters. In all honesty, for the first time of me being here, I actually kindda dreaded comming back. But I'm not sure if that was my flesh (getting all spiritual now... post or email me if you want some clarity on terms and whatnot) getting NOOO!!! NOT GOD!! or was it actually my spirit saying that it was time for me to leave singing waters? I don't know... I don't want to leave, but then again what fledgling bird WANTS to leave the nest (when it's a good and safe,and secure nest), they kindda gotta be kicked out... so I dunno. My cousin from Oakwood gave me a very interesting offer. She works at a place called "Christian Horizon" or something like that, and it's all about working with mentally and physically disabled people. And the whole thought of living with my cousins, and my Aunt and Uncle is really cool, and also the pay at that place is like from $12-$15 an hour, and I think you start working maybe 12hour shifts... gotta get more info on that... so that sounds very tempting to the $120 every two weeks here, so, yeah... It's, hard right now... it's pretty much one of the hardest crossroads I've ever been at right now. If I stay here for a thrid year, I get to take the Isaiah Winter school for FREE!! that's like a 4k corse for nuthin'! but then my conscience kicks in and is askin' if I'm only staying for the school, or am I staying for God? Oi... so that's where I'm at right at this point in time. Very difficult struggle for me right now. *sigh* and prayer, words from God, ANYTHING would be helpful right now. I don't say this a lot, but I think I need to take and spend some serious God time right now, or soon... Oi, anywho, that's where I'm at right now... yup, anywho, I know this sounds kindda, well, downish, but it's not meant that way, completely. It is kindda downish cuz it's kindda heavy, but it's good, cuz I'm beein' open, and honest, and expressing where I am. But, I gotta go. Latter all!!

Love yous all tons!

May 15, 2004

Holy Crap Nut... they changed Blogger AGAIN!!! WILL THEY STOP CHANGING IT!!! ARGH! I get used to the one form, then they change it. I get used to the second form, and they change it AGAIN!!! OI!! ah well... Have to go witht the flow I guess eh? anywho... Oh!!! guess what, well, yeah... I got a Palm Pilot!! hehehehe, yup, all mine!! It only cost me $50, and I got a keyboard with it as well so that's a really good deal. But yeah, ummmmm... not to sure what else to put up here... I know it's going to be a small post but hey. Ummm, I'm starting to re-write a short story that I wrote way back in my grade 10 English Class. I'm not sure how it's turning out right now, not to bad, but I think I'm somewhat deviating from what I had origonally (that doesn't look right) and what I want it to look like now but I'll get to where I want to sooner or later. Yup, and so many different ideas I have for stories and what not... but it's interesting, I get awesome ideas and they just don't finish... Oi... Anywho, yup. Yup, that's, well, umm, yup, uh huh, you don't say? I know. Can't think of anything else to put up here. So I think I'll just say hoobldy doo tidlypeeps! I love that word! Tidlypeeps! so cool. anyways, later all!

May 03, 2004

a href="">Robocop!
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

May 02, 2004

Yup, I'm going to put something on here that, well, some people know, but I'm making it public... you don't like what you read, then go away.

I REALLY DON'T LIKE TIM!!! there, out in the open. Yup, you're probably thinking, "Who on God's green earth is Tim?". Well, he's a person I work with and he lives in the same house as me... and has no social skills whatsoever. He stands close enough to be your shadow, doesn't know when to leave, even when you tell him to go away, jumps into conversations that don't even include him, and how he talks... STARTS OFF LOUd and then goes real quite, almost a whisper... PICK ONE or the other. GOD! Yup, venting session... I could go on and on and on about this child, but, I think I've verbally berated him enough right about now... well, not enough for my taste, but probably enough for everyone elses... yup... that's pretty much what I wanted to get off my chest right now... so I shall leave it like that for the time being... yup.

April 26, 2004

Well, I'm not sure what to write down here... I've been in contact with Jim for a while, and then it's like he disctapeard... I haven't heard from him in a long while so yeah... anywho, things of note... umm, went to my first Jays game ever... It was awesome, Jays lost to Boston 4-2 but that doesn't matter. It was still sweet... yeah, ummm, I'm not sure what else to pu on here... I'm at a loss for words... go figure. Um, yeah... I've found a new addiction... it's Yahoo Pool... hehehehe, I love it! Anywho, of to the tables... later

April 19, 2004

My word... I was just at Ashby's Blog and read what "queesamor" wrote down... and my word... I want to just jump and scream in joy and triumph at that... It's one of the best things that I've ever read... and it's full of something I've been missing, and am still lacking in the force that it's wrote on there... Passion. I can't express how much I love what is written there. Just reading it stirs the Passion in me... HO LEE CRAP (in the good sense of the use)... that's how I feel... wha! :) Anywho... on to posting whatever it is that I'm going to be posting... wich I'm not sure what that's going to be... well, I've put in a request for May 24-31 off... and I'm hopefully going to be comming home. To see all the rellies back there, and that I've been missing oh so much... anywho. Yup, I just bought a sweet drive for my compy... it's a dvd/cd-rw combo drive, and I just bought 52x cd rom two wednesdays ago, so... hehehehehehehe... I get to BURN stuff... I like burning >:D (that's supposed to be an evil smile... not mad) anywho... yup, oh yeah, we have, ready for it? *clears throught* HIGH SPEED *said in a deep booming voice, echoing from hilltop to hilltop* hehehehe... it's so fun. Anywho, I'm just rambling on about nothing in particular.

So, I went to Freshwind this year... It was good, and also kindda bad. The good things about this year were that they were releasing the chilluns to pray for eachother instead of keeping it strictly "Ministry Team" peeps. Wich is a first and very cool. And they also were doing their own teaching. So they were teaching on stuff that they teach at the ministry school and what not... and might I add, I've never heard the word sex said so many times in church... and I loved it!! Cuz they brought up a really good point. Why be ashamed of sex? Yahweh created it, so why are we ashamed of it? So very cool... (my own little change from "God" to "Yahweh") Anywho. Also, I made a giant leap in the right direction. I found out that I was holding onto something, and when I tried to let go (with Yahweh's help) I was very nicely attacked by the little enemy. And so that required one of the TACF Ministry team to come over and bind down that little pipsqueak, so that it didn't make a big scene. Well, I have yet to have ministry for it, but the other half of my ministry team is now back from vacation so I can hopefully get that dealt with. Anywho. Now on to the bad
part(s). So, I think I've made a revelation, or it could have been the enemy dragging me down, still trying to figure out wich... but I think I've out grown Freshwind! SHOCK! HORROR! CATASTROPHE! Well, maybe not catastrophe, but hey... I'm still in the age range that Freshwind is aimed at, but I've grown up so much spiritually, that it's like... Dang. I used to feel like a little baby surrounded by a bunch of NFL players here... but now I'm one of the biggest players... I'm not saying that I'm "SUPER CHUCK!" HeeeeeEEEEELLL no... if anything I'm "UNSUPER CHUCK!" Cuz I cain't do nothin'! It's only Yahweh that's doing the stuff, I'm just the vessel that he decides to use... with some pretty funky ass gifts, and strengths... and of course, weaknessess... I'm not even sure what they all are, but I've had someone who is way down the road (spiritual maturaty, and age) from me and that I have a great amount of respect for, look into my eyes, and say (very seriously) "You scare me." and it wasn't meant in a bad or offending way. So that's, seriously... wow... anywho, there's more to that story but I think this post is going to be long enough as it is... Oh yeah. There's a two peeps on our Young Peoples Team here from Taiwan, and I was on Krysty's blog (wich is pretty sweet I might add. Bobo is so awesome! :)) anywho, and I went to that "What's your Chinese Name" thing, and I got something like "Ran Shen Hong"... and I showed it to one of the Taiwanese peeps and we sat down for a while, and I now have a Chinese name... wich I'm still trying to remember what it means, but both he (Ethan) and Gloria (the other Taiwanese peep) say that it's a good name, so I'm quite proud of it... hmmm... Thanks Daddy :). Thought I should thank him... If memory serves correctly (mind you it rarely does) I think I prayed for a Chinese name, ages ago... so with out Further adieu (pronounced a-doo) my name is:

Ran Gwong Wei

Anywho... I gotta go. Love yous all.

Gwong Wei

March 19, 2004

Well, I could state the obvious and say that I haven't written anything in here for a long time... but I just did so I won't ;) Any who, quite a bit has happened since I last wrote on here... Hmmm, where to start. *sigh*

Well the school is done and over with and pretty much most of the people are gone, and SWAT (Singing Waters Advanced Training) is starting tomorrow, so we had to turn the whole house around in two days... It's been done before with less time and less people, but we still did a pretty sweet ass job about it if I do say so myself. I just have to thank God and thank all the people who helped out with everything here, and a very deep thanks goes to my lovely young people that I couldn't have done this without. We got through the last couple of days with a few minor hickups, nothing to major, but to be expected. So all in all this day was a very good day.

And that brings me to some more interesting news. Before the begining of this year we hired a house keeper/head supervisor type person, Debbie. Debbie was pretty good. After a while and a huge God slap, I actually started to like her a lot more and realized that she was doing some pretty good stuff, and had some pretty niffty ideas about things. But unfortuneatly, before all her ideas could come into plan so to speak, she quit. That was... Yesterday I think, and so that made me "Top Dog", El Numero Uno, The Head Honcho, The Big Kahona, and so on and so forth... and I can honestly say that I was scared to the extreme. I didn't think that I was ready for this, but it seems that everyone else, including God, thought that I am, and so I'm in charge of House. A big load... oh my word. Things just keep clicking... so odd.

Ok, to explain that last sentence there I have to tell you about some other things that have happened. A few weeks ago after our bi-weekly meetings with Rick and Bev Lamberick, I did a bit of an interview with them and then they said some things (I can't remember them all) but I remember something about having big shoulders and that I am ready and can take a big load (I think, can't quote me on that), and then, just last thursday after our last meeting with Rick and Bev, I was talking to Lisa, and the whole thing about "Why has God called me here?" popped up, and then we got into the convo of, "Do we really want to know?" and so I said to God "Yeah, I really want to know." and He said, "You wanna know? Good cuz I'll tell you." and then I said "WAIT!! NOT RIGHT NOW!!" but He just proceeded to tell me, "To Lead" He said... and I told Him, "To Lead?! Yeah, right. I'm not a leader. I suck at it." And low and behold, here I am... Leading, and not sucking at it... Thanks Daddy. You said I was here to Lead, and Lead is what I'm doing, and I'm doing my best at it... Still scared, but I think that's kindda good... cuz I'm relying on God, and not on myself. Fun lesson to learn eh? *sigh* God is fun. I think I'm going to tell Lisa this... hmmm.. Anywho, I gotta go y'all. Love everyone lots and lots... and Jim, if you are reading this, I do mean to call you, I just have to find your # again ;) God Bless everyone, and Buh bye! :)

February 24, 2004

Now this is interesting... they've changed blogger... again... I don't think I like this new layout... don't like it one bit.... hmmm... any who. Yup, as usual I haven't written anything on this thing in a long time... but that's nothing to uncommon for me. So yeah. I'm not sure what to put in this thing... well I have something... when I was back home durring the christmas holidays (I know that was a long time ago, but hey) I went to the optomitrist to get me eyes checked and Dr. Holmes found somthing very interesting. And some what dangerous. Apparantly I have a pterygium (I think that's how you spell it) starting on my eye... I can't remember wich one it is, but I know it's there... To those who don't know what a pterygium (pronounces ter-ig(soft g)-ium) is, and don't feel bad I had no idea what it was either, it's basically scar tissue that starts to grow where the iris meets the white (again, laymans terms, where the colored part meets the white, again don't feel bad, I forget half the time myslef ;) ) so, scar tissiue, iris, white, and it can grow across the iris and cover the pupil, and has to be surgically scraped off the eye, and then it's a hope and a prayer if you can see again out of that eye. Or so my impression was. That's a worst case sceinario. Kindda best case is that it stops growing and dissapears altogether. So yeah, don't know why I wrote that down here, but yeah. On to more happier things now.

I got really really upset at my boss on sunday and so did one of my fellow supervisor people... so, after ribs and beer and some people to listen to me bitch and complain, and surprisingly pick up the tab, I kindda felt better. Oh yeah, favorite new beer, Alexander Keith's. Very nice, very smooth. Any who, so I arranged a meeting with my boss for me, her, and me fellow supe to sit and talk about the schedule. So, all three of us come in pretty much guns loaded ready to fire so to speak, the emotion level was really high and so the meeting started off us shooting emotion at each other kindda thing, then somehow, God showed up and, my oppinion, sat on me. I lost all emotional feelings and it was replaced with an amazing calmness... so my mind opened up and I heared what my boss was saying and I saw what she was saying in a different light, me eyes were opened and me ears unplugged and what not.. it was really very cool... I came out of that meeting changed and better for it, and awed by that total God moment. God is so fun! :) But yeah, so, dude. I could go on but I think I'll stop here for the time being, and I'll do my best to get back on here sooner. Oh yeah, Ashby, and anyone else who wants to know, my days off are:
Wednesday 25
Friday 27

Still working on next months schedule so can't give those days to you. But yeah. Anywho, gotta go.

God Bless and Keep you,

February 10, 2004

Well, I said that I would write on here later, and so I am... So, yeah...

Well to get yall up to speed on that little date thing that I went on, oh so many saturdays ago... It didn't go that well at all... or so I thought... in my opinion there was to many people there so both her and I just pretty much hid behind everyone else. So yeah... I'd go out with her again, if it was only us, or maybe us and her sister... and just for coffe, and maybe a movie... I know, it's old school but I'm a killer for the classics otay. So yeah...

Here's something that I've been struggling with for... well, since last year sometime, near the end of the year but it was still last year sometime... anywho. God told/prodded me that I should go to bible college... I pretty much... well no, actually DID tell him to go screw himself. Needles to say I was pretty pissed for the next, two weeks? Something like that. And it's been in the back of my mind since, and it's just starting to surface again. I'm handleing it a lot better this time, well, kindda. I'm mostly ignoring it. But I did check out a site with another of the Young Leaders here. It's the Bible College associated with the International House of Prayer. I can't remember the name of it, but it looks interesting. And so does the Teenmania School down in Texas. Ashby if you're reading this, That last bit there was pretty much telling you that you have one fan of you blogg :P that and everything that you were telling me/us about what it was like down there... So anywho. I'm on the search, kindda, for a Bible College. But I have one little rule for it though... It has to be spirit filled and allowing the flow of the gifts of the spirit... I know the wording is bad but the message is all that matters.
So yeah, yall who read this, if anyone does anymore, I would really appreciate info on any Bible Colleges and/or prayer for guidance and what not on where I'm supposed to go, and what I'm supposed to do, and when I'm supposed to do it.
Now that's a mouthfull and a load off... hmmm...

Yup, now to life. Life is, well, lots of the time, boring. I bought a copy of the RISK board game. Played it almost two nights in a row, going on a third night... and I'm STILL looking for a cheap daito bokken(boken)... I've been thinking of ordering the whole daito, shoto and tanto boken set off of, but I need someones creditcard for that one... *sigh* Yeah. Anywho, I'm not sure what else to talk about... Oh yeah! The Young Leaders here have a news letter called the Daily Destiny (i think :s) and I've been thinking of subbmiting a monthly little story thing about a guy, "Charlie Watt" and problems he faces and how he overcomes them (mostly with God's help) kindda thing, but I'm not sure how to do it, and I'm not sure what kind of problems he should face and what not, so... Advice and thoughts would be appreciated on THAT as well, if you don't want to post, or it's to big to post on my little post thingy, my email addys are:
So yeah, email me stuff to those accounts and we'll see what happens. Gracias everyone! Domo arigato and what not... so yeah, talk at yous later... and Jess, if you're reading this, I'll hopefully be able to call you tomorrow sometime, cuz I'm off and I don't gotta work... oh yeah, oh baby, oh yeah, *as chuck does a little stupid dance type thing* So yeah, after a mouthfull and a half here... I'm done. No more. FINISHED!


February 08, 2004

Which Final Fantasy (IV-X) Character are you?

by steevi

Yup... I got Stiener... Stiener's pretty cool... Or at least I think so... anywho... gotta go, might be on later.

January 28, 2004

I know, it's been about twenty days since I last wrote in here... but I don't really have what you would call an easy internet connection. There can be only one person on the internet at a time, and the line is used for the fax machine and the interac machine as well. So I can only use the internet from 7:30pm till about 8:30am, and that's the same for about.... 25 people, well, at least for personal stuff... but anywho. Yup... on with life.

Well, life for the past 20 days has been pretty interesting. If you ask me to describe the way I've felt for those 20 days is... Pissed. I'm really starting to not like people... not all people, just quite a few people... cuz a lot of them are... well, I'm not going there right now, if you want more info email me... don't think I got the e-addy on here so it's or
I check those two the most and as often as I can... but any who. Yeah. I know I'm getting upset over really stupid things, but after a talk with the Guru Mr. Don ;) he'll love me for calling him that... I've figured out (I had a feeling though) that the things that are pissing me off are not the problems (though they ARE "problems" just the THE problem) they are the "triggers" for THE problem or issue if you want to get politically correct... now the harder part is finding out the main issue and dealing with it, and the even more difficult part of how do deal with the "triggers" in a good and Godly fashion, when my fashion is mostly to do with a baseball bat... but unfortunately the baseball bat theory isn't really Godly so that goes out the window. So yeah... Lovely boat that I'm in... Oi...

Well hey, there's some light at the end of the tunnel. I'm kindda going on a blind date kind of thing. One of the girls who used to work here (Michelle or however the spelling is) asked me last time she was here if I'd like to meet her sister. Me being the fool that I am said "ummm... sure?" mind you that was a couple weeks ago and I kindda forgot about it untill yesterday when Michelle called and left a message. Calling back I find out that a meeting is set up for her sister and I... thankfully we're not alone. Mark and Lindsey (two other people who used to work here) are coming as well, along with Michelle and her sister. So, I'm as nervous as a worm in a birds nest, but I'm trusting this situation to God... wich I haven't done in a long time, but I'm going with the "It's good to trust God" thing... and I'm trying my hardest not to go in with any expectations... but it's kindda hard to do when you've been looking for someone for... a long while I'll leave it at. So yeah, that's pretty much up to date right now... oh, except that I've been growing my hair and I'm thinking of cutting it again, and I'm going to be getting new glasses or try out contacts, whitch I'm not to sure, but hey... anywho.. I gotta go and get some work done and then go home.... my bed and books be callin' me... so Later all you people who read my blogs and God Bless you Abundantly if you've read the whole thing... cuz I know it's hard to sometimes but hey.... Yup, God Bless and good night y'all.


January 09, 2004

Ok, I'm not even going to state how long it's been since I've posted since yous can see it for yoursleves. Sittin in an office at 1/4 to 9 doin' nothin'. I'm "working" right now... I'm on a PM shift. For those who are wondering what is involved with a PM shift is a whole lot of, wait for it... NOTHING! I just sit around pretty much and do absolutley nothing. Sometimes that's fun and a lot of the time that's pretty darn borring. Well, 'cept at 9:30pm I bring in the Coffee and Tea urns and clean them out, and get them ready for the morning and what not, but hey. Anywho, on to something not so boring.

Chrismas was pretty fun. Didn't get to do all that I wanted to do. But then again if getting off of my lazy butt would help then I should have gotten off of my lazy butt some more then what I did, but that's beside the point. Yup, just finished watching the TROGDOR cartoon again... I still say that's the best one ever, no if's and's or but's. But yup, got a DVD player for Christmas, plus my cloak, and a guitar. Yeah I'm starting to learn the guitar again. It's a lot slower then before, but then again I'm teaching myself instead of having a teacher. Teachers do come in handy every now and then, surprising ain't it? Anywho, I'm really not sure what I should write in here... but nothing and everything is seeming to work. Hmmm, wonder if I can come up with a Hiku on the spot sort of thing.

Burninates the people
Crushing the Cottages

I know, really corny and what not, but hey, it was on the spot. Sometimes Hiku's take years to make, you can't expect absolute masterpieces in like, 5 minutes. Anywho I gotta go. Check up on some stuff and what not. Later ya'll.

God Bless,