December 07, 2002
Well,hmmm.... I'm comming home in what? 3 days? give or take.... I'm really looking forward to it... pretty much a whole month or so with out working! YES!!! Even though I love it here, I get days off and what not, but I need a break. I think I've needed a break for awhile but hey... so yeah. I'm also on the look out for another copy of the Star Wars RPG rulebook, beit the first edition or the revised edition, though the revised edition would be better I'll go for anything pretty much. And I'm also looking for a copy of the Star Trek rulebook. The newest one, the one I got and Ashby has, yeah, remember Ashby, we split on that close to 50-50 so yeah, I can't remember anyways. But anywho, yeah... I've been going through a pretty rough week this week. I think it started Last friday or last weekend, and I've been (to quote a book :) Krysty should get this) in a "piss cutter" of a mood. Really upset at someone that I don't think I should have been, but yeah, we're talking again, wich is a very good thing, a very VERY good thing, but I'm not sure if the relationship has been damaged or not... In some ways I think it has, and some ways I think it hasn't, but only time and God will tell about that neh? Well, hmmm.... I saw this awesome magazine last week, or the week before, it was titled "The 21st Century Soldier" and it was about the soldier and equipment that's in that Popular Science Magazine that Ashby has, the one with the completely electric gun? Yeah, I went to buy it today, but it was gone. CRUD!! But ah well. Not much I can do neh? So yeah, I'm not sure what else I should write about, so.... I think I shall stop now, and do some other stuff. Later and God Bless yous all!
November 27, 2002
Well, I know I haven't been on my blog in, well, let's say close to forever but hey. That comes with not being able to get on the net for MONTHS at a time. But yeah, life's been going pretty good lately, not as good as I would like it to, but I'm sure God is puttin' stuff in front of me, so yeah. Well, I've gotten a few things done for Christmas shopping and stuff, Ashby, yours is done, and I hope you don't have the things that I'm giving you. Jim, yours is almost done, and I hope they fit. Bev, I'm still trying to figure out what to get you, and Drew, I have a few things for you as well, hehehehehehehehe. So yeah, Oh yeah! Everyone, not saying that you are or whatever, but I have a Toronto Leafs Jersey now, so, yeah, the girls pitched in and bought me one for my birthday, wich is ever so cool and I'm still touched, so yeah. Andrew, don't need you to buy me one no more bro. thanks though :). So yeah, Ashby and Jim, I needs to talk to you guys about something, and also if yous could pray for me about something that is confusing me, and well, pretty much I'm not to sure about but hey.... don't want it to be common knowledge to everyone, that's why all the detering from the point. So yeah, well I can't wait to see all of ya's when I come down either the evening of the 10th or sometime the 11th of December. Well Love ya's all, and God Bless yous. Later!
August 17, 2002
So yeah. I'm back on the bloggin' thing. Well, I am when I have access to Seth's laptop, but that's besides the point. So yeah. Well I'm not sure what to talk about in this post. I've dyed my hair. It's not the colour that it's supposed to be but it's pretty interesting just the same. And I shaved the goatee off, and again as I always say, I look like a child, and it doesn't look good. And Nicole agrees with me, wich is pretty cool, and I bet a few people agree that I look better with the facial hair. It just doesn't look like me with the no goatee and the bright orangeish hair. The hair's faded a lot but it's still a bright coppery, orange type colour. I don't mind it. That and my roommate and a few other people have talked me into trying to grow my hair long. I'm probably not going to like the feeling for a while but we will see what happens. So yeah, I'm off tomorrow. Tomorrow being sunday the 17th so yup. What really sucks is that noone is at reception so if anyone calls I won't get the message 'till the next day. So yeah, my next day off is either the following monday or tuesday, I'm not sure wich cuz there was supposed to be this big switch-a-roo thing going on and I have no idea what's happenening so yeah. Well I better get going, curfue happens in not to long and I'm really tired today, I helped one of the people who worked here move to their new home and I'm really close to exhausted. So later all and have a good one. God Bless you all.
August 05, 2002
Well yall, I've been gone for about 4 weeks or so, and I want to appologize that I upped and left without as much as a phone call, but I couldn't really call, since I found out that I had to go at 12am and then I had to have all my packing and everything ready to leave with me Grandparents at 8:30am that morning so yeah. Well I've settled in here quite nicely. Still getting used to having so many people here, it's so cool. Yall have to get the directions from me Momma to come up here some time and I was thinkin' that if we are all going to go to fresh wind I'll check here and see if yall can stay here for a lot cheaper then at some hotel. About $20 per person and I'm pretty sure that includes meals also so yeah. Well, email or call me, my email here is "" (without the quotation marks) or phone here and ask for me # is 1-519-941-0929 so Yeah, chow time is going to be happening really soon so I better get me butt in there. Talk to yall later.
P.S. My room-mate is from Georga Atlanta so I've picked up a bit of different dielects, cuz livein' with people from, Australia (hooya!) England, Georgia, and some other states, you're bound to pick up some different lingo, what I really want is to pick up their accents :) so yeah, chow has been called so talk to yall later.
P.S. My room-mate is from Georga Atlanta so I've picked up a bit of different dielects, cuz livein' with people from, Australia (hooya!) England, Georgia, and some other states, you're bound to pick up some different lingo, what I really want is to pick up their accents :) so yeah, chow has been called so talk to yall later.
June 19, 2002
Speaking of updating blogs I might as well update mine. Well, I don't have to much time to put all the things in my blog that I want to put in my blog but hey, that's what home time's for so yeah. Gotta go. One more email to write, and me teeth to brush. Later all! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
June 16, 2002
Well I'm just sitting at my Nanna's and Grampy's waiting to go home and get ready for work so yup... James is going to get me the CD with the drivers for my vid card so that's a good thing. I really want to play Jedi Knight II so badly now since I'm so bored but ah well. Yup, today is like my second last day working. I find it kindda stupid how they put me to work just one day next week..... so very very odd... ah well. Also I've been listening to my Klingon CD and I've just started to read my Klingon Dictionary book again, so I'm really trying to learn that language now, hehehehehehehe.... ah well. So yeah, I'm just going to stop now and suggest mother about the time so I shall let yous all go, Tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
June 13, 2002
Oh my goodness. Well, I've been playing on my computer a LOT lately, so I have like, 0 life, but hey. So yeah, I believe that I'm goin' to the St. Mary's grad. I still need a shirt and tie, since mudder was saying that she found a jacket/blazer that I could wear. So yeah, I'm really nervous about it but that's ok, nervous can be a good thing sometimes. So yeah, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I have to ask Singing Waters about if I can bring my computer up there with me, I'm almost positive that I can so I'm not worrying too much. Oh my, I'm bored. So yup, I'm going to give those people that I won the auctions for today for the stuff to get here before I start emailing them asking them if they have recieved the payment and where the heck my stuff is, cuz both those peeps weren't THAT far away. One was out west in Canada, and the other wasn't too far over the boarder so yeah, it shouldn't take to long, plus I sent the money order for my, hopefully, last auction that I won on ebay monday so it should hopefully get to the guy and back to me before I go to Singing Waters, so yeah, plus I want to buy some stuff from the welding shop and see if I can do something down there also so yeah, well I've wasted enough time here so I gotsta go, tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
June 11, 2002
June 10, 2002
Took Blasted long enough!! grrr... ah well. So yeah, as I was saying....Also, she was talking about the party at your place... so I'm invited again? Otay, sure. We have to talk sometime and get caught up to speed and what not... and should I be scared? I'm going to try to talk to her so I can figure out what you two have been talking about and planning. So yup, otay. And Jess, don't be sad :( sad's not bad. We'll have to talk about that fight. That doesn't sound good at all. So yeah, as you've all read, I've been accepted to Singing Waters and I am going sometime in the first week of July. I'm thinkin' around that friday or something. I'm going to go to my dad's sometime durring exams, cuz I haven't seen him in a long time and I want to and I should. Also, I want to get a big group get together sometime so we can all have fun and see each other for the last time in a while, or, well, last time for ME in a long while. And I'm thinkin' all who want to come up with me and make a road trip out of going to Singing Waters, that would be doubly sweet! I'm so nervous and excited and lots of stuff. I'm kindda scared and sad at the same time, cuz I'm leaving my old life behind and starting my new one, or just a new chapter at least. So yeah..... otay, about the grad thing, is anyone going to it at all? Oi, so yeah, if no one's going, wanna have a movie night or something? We've been planning that for a while, always saying that we are going to have one... so why don't we have one... bring your own munchies, or pitch in something for munchies and then just sit around, watch movies, play games, do stuff and all that.... So yeah. Well, I can't think of what else to put up so I'm going to stop there and just post this, so yeah, tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
June 08, 2002
Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I've been accepted to go to Singing Waters!!! YEAH BABY!!!! So yup, I'm going to be going up there the first week of July, I'm going to wait till me next paycheck and then quit work, I know it's a little shallow but hey, I need the money. Yup, I still owe momma like $50 or so for a phone bill, crappy phone plan, I agree with Jim in buying that one that's free from 6pm to 8am or something like that, or that anytime anywhere in Ontario for 20 or 30 bucks or something like that. That sounds good to me. but it's Kevin's decision the doofus. Oi, well I want to call anytime I want to. I don't want to be stuck phonin' people at 6pm blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.... It's such a stupid argument..... Oi, ah well, I don't have to put up with it much longer! YAY!! I'm so happy, well I gotta go get something to eat now, since I haven't yet, well tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Ok, I have noticed (well like yesterday) that I forgot to put my addy up, well, my email addy is "" so email me there if you are thinkin' of sending me the money and then I will give you my real addy. So yup, still waiting for my cd and chain wrapping tool. Finally go the Star Trek RPG book. MAN that was a really tense while for that one. But ah well. Ashby has it too, grrrrr..... I want to look at it for a long hard time.... hmmm, hey ashby, it's yours for an extra $30 ;) since you already paid $20 so hey. ah well, did that little test thing on Ashby's blog and this is what I got.
Hope that works.... I really do, it just looks like a bunch of html code to me, but ah well. So yup, I'm going to go eat something now and then do some other stuff. So see you's all later, tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Are you Addicted to the Internet?
The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at! |
Hope that works.... I really do, it just looks like a bunch of html code to me, but ah well. So yup, I'm going to go eat something now and then do some other stuff. So see you's all later, tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
June 06, 2002
Well, I should go back and edit that last blog entry of mine, but I've made a policy of that I will not re-edit already posted stuff unless I have VERY good reason to, I have made a mistake, or (since I now have that tag thingie it's possible) if people vote that I change it, so yup, I'm adding a new and somewhat fun system on here. "VOTE FOR THE CHANGING OF BLOG POSTS"!!! So yup, I'm pretty sure that I got a good mark on my programming test we just had, but you never know. Peoples is so dumb, the teacher's said to turn the music off to three people like 5 times, and the dimwits are still playing it. Oi, people these days. Oh they just turned it up, funness. So yup, well I was going to see if I could get to the mall to talk with Kayte, but she can't go and I have no ride into Brockville so that's otay. Yup, if all goes well then I'll be getting a computer hopefully tomorrow!! WOOHOO!! It'll be the best one in my house and then I'll take it up to Orangeville with me. Oh baby, oh baby! yup, from what Jim tells me the comp has a P2 450 processer, 128MB ram, a 32MB vid card and an 8gig harddrive, it's not the best system but for $200 or so it's a really good deal, so I just have to check the beaster out to see if it works so yup. I'm going to see if I can try to put links up to the "Inspireres" (don't care how that's spelled rob so shut up) blog, Ashby's blog, and lots of other peoples blogs, plus me email addy. So yeah, also if peeps start spammin' me with crap.... I'll do somethin' nasty. Not sure what yet.... probably just block ya's but hey, cuz I'm a nice guy :) So yeah, well, I dunno, I'm gonna say hi to peeps right now... Hi Greg, Dana, Jess, Kayte, Rob, Wessel, Jim(James), Ashby, Bev, Karen, Dane, Drewbie(me bro), Kellee.... and well, practically anyone else who's readin' at this so yup. Also, I'm going to be starting a fund for buying my wire for my chainmail, cuz I'm sure I have a tool on the way, plus I can probably make one that's 3/8" diameter in the welding shop, actually I might just do that, and buy a 2x4 from the wood working shop... hmmm, this could work, so yeah, as I was saying, if you want to send money to me fund, I'm trying to raise $40 for 400m (1300 feet) of 14gauge galvanized steel wire, so I'm hopefully lookin' to buying more then one of those spools so any and all money is welcome. Oh yeah, that's $40 canadian, so if any americans want to send me money, $20usd or so should do ;) so yup, I shall stop now and post stuff later so, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
June 04, 2002
Well, I've hopefully just added something new to my blog, and I hope that it works... I might add it or different ones to my other ones, I'm not sure how I'm going to do that... but meh ah well. Well I haven't blogged in a pretty long time, but that's ok. So yup, from what I gather, Kayte hates me. Or is really close to it. And if you're reading this Kayte, well, have fun reading it, I'm not going to stop you or get mad at you or anything. If you want to be mad at me go ahead and be mad at me. And that comment I made to Alaina, I was saying that I would LIKE to ask her out sometime, or would have liked to. But now, who cares. And there is no way that I would cheat on anyone. I was not trying to cheat on Jess, the thought never even crossed my mind. The thought never crossed my mind to cheat on ANYONE, so don't start thinking that. And Kayte, I have no idea why you are so mad and whatever with me, but you know what, go for it cuz I don't care anymore. I did, I truely did and I was hoping that something might have happened again between us, but apparently it probably never will so yeah. Ah well, water under the bridge, so yup I gotta go look stuff up, see if the little addition I added to my blog worked and actually do some work in programing class. God Bless, have fun, and take care.
May 21, 2002
I haven't blogged here in, four days or so.... ouch. Well, I've been busy working this weekend and stuff like that so I haven't been able to blog, well I don't really have much to put up right now at least so I guess I shall just have to wait till I get home to put something up, that and I'm thinking that I actually might do some work in programing... that and my mind isn't really into doing school work right now, I've been pondering on some other things.... Oi, life is interesting to say the least. God Bless, have fun, and take care.
May 17, 2002
Oh yeah, Kate, if you're reading this.... BOO!!!! :) hehehehehehe... oh yeah, to everyone else..... BOOGA BOOGA!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! AH CRAP! I have a test today :( urg.... ah well. At least my independant study thing in math is done till the next one is do. so Yup, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Oi, yesterday was really, urgity.... I went down to the TDbank cuz I have a canada trust bank book, and well, apparently it's not use becuase well, for some reason and some how my father's account took over my account, or something happened that I don't know about. Well, besides the merge, and the lady that I talked to started to treat me as a person that was trying to steal from someone elses account. I even offered to show her some idetification to show who I was, she said no that's ok, and I still felt like I was being treated like shim. Yes, I'm using Gibbons' word cuz it fits best there. So after that I went to work, that was ok, I won't know if I can get saturday off until, well, too late at least so Dad, if you're reading this, I might not be able to get up there, unless I can find someone who can take me shift for me. I'm not sure who would be able to though, grrrrrr.... Oi, ah well. Oh yeah, I found information on the net on how to make an Origami water bomb, I know we have the origami books up at the cottage but I haven't been there in, well, a long time. So all I need now is some origami paper, or maybe I can use some blank white paper and just cut it with that paper cutter at school.... hmmmm.... there's an idea, hehehehehehehehehe, now if I can only talk to wallasek (or however), well, gotta go. Tootles!! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 16, 2002
Apparently Bev got the same result as I did with that what mage are you thing.... pretty interesting, sure. Well, I can't put a long post up here cuz I can't stay on for much longer... I'm just going to say that there is an auction that I want to bid on some stuff on ebay, and if anyone wants to pitch in a buck or two that would be most appreciated. Very helpful also, cuz I'm low on funds and don't get paid 'till, if my calculations are correct, next friday, the 24, and that's too far away :( so yeah, well I gotta go. Tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 15, 2002
I took that What Mage are you test thing on Krystys blog, and this is what I got:
find your element
So yeah, I hope that works... and if it doesn't then Oi!!! urg!!... so yeah, I'm going to post this right now... and see what happens

find your element
So yeah, I hope that works... and if it doesn't then Oi!!! urg!!... so yeah, I'm going to post this right now... and see what happens
So yeah, the Leafs won last night 3-0 against the Sens.. ha ha ha... Yeah, Dane was "so confident" in his team that he said if the Leafs win, he'll dye his hair permanent blue. So I'm just waiting for tomorrow, since he's going to get it done tonight more then likely. Hehehehehehehe.. Yup, Oi. My life is pretty boring right now. Well, it is and it isn't. I just want to say hi to everyone at South Grenville that I talk to and that I know, and down St. Mary's way pretty much the same, and brockville way, oh yeah, and in prescott and BC, can't forget them, and I'm going to single out a few people right now. Dad and Deb, wow, never really noticed how similar your names are, hehe. Yeah, anywho, Dad and Deb, really good people, I don't agree with some of the things they do, I'm not going to start a list or anything but some of, well, Dad's views, I'm not to sure about Deb's views but hey, I'll just pick on Dad right now :) Well, Dad I just want to say that I love you, I always have and I always will, even though we don't see eye to eye (no pun intended [ and for those who don't know I'm taller then my father]) on many different things, I still love you. So yeah, I'm going to talk to Joanne sometime this week, I work tomorrow so I might be able to talk to her then, or I might stop in today sometime and see her, cuz I'm going to try to get Saturday off so that I can come up there for friday, I'll have to come back saturday cuz I have to work for 6:30am till 11am so yeah, well that's about all I want to blog about right now, oh yeah, Rob, do make sure that you read . And also, you goof, you have some of the info that I needed last night, I was going to do the rest of the map and that so that the entire thing would be ready for either today or friday, or monday at latest. So yup, anyone who plays the Star Wars RPG with us, we are almost done the mission, took us a while just cuz we didn't apply ourselves as much as we could, so yup. I shall blog later, tootles! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 14, 2002
Well I haven't been on here in, well, 3 days, but hey. I'm still somewhat bald, I just need another shave. It feels like velcro when I take my hat off.... some person was listening to some rap stuff with all this swearing crap on it.. it wasn't fun at all... some people were saying that it was awesome.... yeah well, they're idiots. So yeah, I'm just looking up klingon stuff on ebay. Yup klingons rule! so hehehehe... Yeah, Oi.. SWEEEET!!! Ashby's found some blank Character Sheets for the Star Trek RPG!! hehehe COOL!! Hope that book gets here soon.. Oi, ah well... hmmmm... ah well. Bev I replied to one of your blog posts so you can't say that I haven't. Oi, I need more stuff to talk about. Well, I don't and I do. As everyone that's read my previous blogs know, I'm single and I don't really like it. It was fun going out with Jess, even though it was mostly (well, pretty much completely) a phone/email relationship, it was fun. I'd like to have someone standing or sitting beside me so that I can put my arm around them, hold them close.... ARGH!!!! Oi, ah well..... it'll happen sooner or later. Hopefully sooner rather then later but not much you can do about that. So yeah, I finally got that HTML book from Jim! WOOHOOO!!!! I've started to read it last night, I was going to bring it to school today but I'm pretty sure I forgot it on the kitchen table. Oi. So yeah, ah well. I think I'm going to update my other blogs now so yup... later all!! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 10, 2002
Hey ya'll!! I am bald! Yup, got Karen to shave me head! It was so much fun! It felt so weird having the razor go over me scalp. I'm thinkin' I might keep it this way for a bit. Think I'll get Karen to be my designated hair shaver... maybe go there once a week or so. Depends. So yup, I gotta go to me sis' again, have to work for 6am tomorrow... Oi! but at least it's money! heheheh... money is a good thing to have.. so yup.. gotta go.. later! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 09, 2002
Again, I haven't talked to Krysty or checked my email in a day cuz I worked really late last night and I stayed at my sisters place. I'm still really tired, but hey, I have 2 periods after lunch where I can just sleep.... wonderful, glorius, useless sleep. Oi, Anna is so cute! So's hunter. All gone! hehehe, it's so cute. Little babies... then they grow up into people and it's... oi... ah well. I don't know what I'm going to write about right now.... hmmm..... Bev created this font for her language, wich, in my opinion needs a bit more work. I don't like the basic way she has it. The speaking of it is kinda, well, different, but ah well... I still have a bit more to go on the translation of it but hey. hmmm.... Looking up airsoft stuff on ebay... actually I think I might look for some pieces for my mandril that I'm still trying to make so that my chainmail business will start booming! hehehehehehe... hmmmm... I have to find out some stuff... hey, if I get that all working, I might be able to buy a computer from james if I pay him in links... hmmm... hehehehehe... interesting >:D (trying for an evil sinister type face... ah well, I'm going to stop here now. Yup, so, tootles everyone! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 08, 2002
Well, I haven't talked to Krysty since last night but hey, it's all good. Just have to wait for Jim to get that html book to me soon.. heheheh... ah well. Oi, my throat is sore for some reason.. and it's hot in this class :( I'm really bored cuz Mr. Robby (Robinson) is makin' us do this for next statement thing with this Fibonacci numbers thing... ah well. Oi, I'm still really confused on what I'm going to do with me romatic life.... I'm really confuzled and no one is helping me to make a decision, but ah well... Yup, and Burger is sittin' beside me, well, most the time this calss, and he's going to some other kids computer to see how to do this stupid programing thing... it's going a bit smoother now... but ah well, I'm going to edit some of my blogs... yup, the only one that hasn't changed the site of is my Star Wars one, and well, my Star Trek one for now. I'm still thinking of what to change that site name to, hmmm... Hey Stienburg came through! It worked!! woohoo!! yay!... now back to boredom.. so I think I'm going to go fiddle with my other blogs now. Later! oh yeah, the Devil is a PRICK (wise words from Cathie), and Jesus Loves YOU!!!! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 07, 2002
Oi, well, I'm not sure what I'm going to blog about right now. I'm just thinkin' of stuff. As I said before me and me girlfriend broke up... and I don't know what I'm going to do. There's well, hmmm, two girls that I may be interested in at school, but I don't know... one I think is interested in me, the other, I have NO idea. I could ask someone... hmmm, that could work... yeah, or wait... I dunno, well it might work. Hmmmm... who knows till I try eh? hey, who's playin? Oi... looks like detroit and colorado... and dane, it's not "D-troi-it" it's D-troit"... that bugs me for some reason when he says that all the time... ah well.... hehehe.. COOL!!! FIGHT!!!! hehehehe...and people keep complainin' about toronto fightin', oh wait... that looked like the Habs and Carolina... hehehehehe. Oi. I don't know WHAT I'm going to do right now. Yay! Krysty is (hopefully) gonna do that html coding for me! YAY!!! All applaud Krysty!!!! WOOHOO!!! Hmm, gotta buy her something Peachy. I'm pretty sure she still likes peach stuff... hmmmm now if only I can think of something... and if I have enough money. Well I gotta stop here for a minute. I'll just post this and then fiddle with stuff. so God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Well, I'm not going to get into major details of how it happened, but I'm just going to say that yesterday was a very weird day. Well, many things pointed that Jess and I might break up, and well, we did. It wasn't one of those tear jerkin' break ups. We both weren't crying blubbering that we didn't want to do this and all that. It was a mutual decision. We hadn't seen eachother in 2 months, and it didn't look like we were going to for a while so, ah well. It was fun while it lasted. Jess, I still care for you, I am going through that healing period thingy but, just the normal stuff... So anywho..... Well, I'm sitting in programming and it's really boring, ah well... hmmm... I have to get a reply thing on here. I want to hear peoples oppinions on what I put up.... Oi, well, if you want to reply or whatever I check my email regularly, it's So if you want to get into contact with me for any reason, well, within reason, but anything to help me out anyhow. So yup. I'm going to be getting one of my friends, my blog inspirer, Krysty! *Trumpet fanfare* All.... hmm, all hail doesn't work... ah... All applaud Krysty!!!! YAY!!! Yup Krysty is going to help me out with adding links to my other blogs, and to all me friends other blogs. WOOHOO!! so yup, I'm getting bored, so I'm going to stop and write some of my other blogs. Yup, later all! Oh yes, GOD LOVES YOU! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 06, 2002
I've changed the addys of all my blogs and I've done some different moving and other things with my blogs so yeah.... well, hmmm.... I think I'm going to post this and then I'm going to go work on my other one(s), I know that I'm going to work on my Star Trek one but I'm not sure if I'm going to work on my Star Wars one.... hmmm.... well the site for my Star Wars one is:
And I'm going to go work on my Star Trek one, so yup. Gob Bless, have fun, and take care!
And I'm going to go work on my Star Trek one, so yup. Gob Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 05, 2002
Yup, I've done my shift as you can tell by the major time differences between this post and my last post. This sunday actually went a lot better then last sunday did. It took us less time, prolly cuz we knew where almost everything went this time :) but ah well, I'm also workin' a 5 1/2 hour shift on wednesday, so that should boost my hours (and pay :D) up a lot, but hey, at least my paycheck should be above $100, actually, with my last check, it was $110 without today's hours inputed in, hmmmm.... I'll have to go check that, well, not right now, maybe later. So yup, I'm thinkin' that I might put Kin'ta Lett's history and description and what not up here with my next post, but we'll have to see. Well, I'm off to do other things right now, I'd just like to say "Hi" to all me buds, ya'll know who ya's are ;) and "Hi" to me hunny again, love you Jess!! And people who will demand personal noticement, like Roberticus, Greg (just quiet you), and Dana, yup especially Dana, cuz Dana, you're cool!!!! No if and's or buts about it, oh yeah, you're also pretty. Don't argue with me you are!! And everyone who has Dana's ICQ# or MSN I'd like you to tell her that she's pretty, cuz she needs to hear it more often so that she might actually start to agree with it :P Yes Dana, I'm out to get you, but in a good way :D hehehe, yup, so that's about all for this post, so, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Stupid internet disconnected me just now..... grrr... beat it with a stick!! Ah well. Just to let ya'll know, Ashby and I were out bid for the book, but luckily we still had 2days 15hours to up it so I upped it to $18 american, wich roughly goes to $28 or so canadian. It's still cheaper then at the Decipher website, and I'm hopin' it stays under $28american cuz the book from the site is like, $29.99 or something close to that. So yeah, I'm up at 6am on a sunday, because I have to be in at work for 8am, oh joy oh bliss. As I've said many times before, sundays will either make me or break me... hopefully they'll make me, but you never know, I am a bit on the chunky side, and out of shape, but I'm trying to rectify that. Ah well. Dana is ticked at me for the.... what, 15th time or something. I'm not too to sure why she is again, but hey, does a lady EVER need a reason to get mad at men? Not that I can think of. But ah well, gotta luv 'er. And I'm still tryin' to think up something for Jess and I to do so that we can finally see eachother, wich we haven't done since, oh geez..... he party! I can't even remember when that was but ah well. I'm just thinkin' about stuff right now... and I have more things to do right now, sOOOooo, I gotta go. God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 04, 2002
It's 4:46 in the pm, and I just finished cutting my part of our lawn. I haven't written much about Kin'ta Lett lately, but then again there isn't much TO write right now, except his history and what he looks like and stuff like that... but that'll require me to get up and search through my bookbag, and I don't feel like that right now. Anywho, I have to work at 8am tomorrow, and my next workday is wednesday from sometime to 10:30pm... on a SCHOOL NIGHT!!! it's crazy, mudder suggested that I stay at carries that night, I kindda agree. Ah well, work is ok, it's fun sometimes, and really boring and I hate it others, but well, it's kind of like a love hate relationship. I like my job, and also I hate some aspects of it also. Ah well. I'm going to stop now I believe, and work on some other stuff, that and I need a nap. I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm tired, so after I'm doin' doin' what I'm planin' on doin' I'm prolly going to go take a nap. God Bless, have fun, and take care!
To any and all who read this, this is the last time I am going to mention Kin'ta Lett the Star Trek character on this blog, if you want to go see him and his history and bLog enteries, go to: . So yeah, I'm going to go to sleep now since its 3:08am, and I'm getting tired. Night, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Hey all! Well, Kin'ta Lett the Star Trek character's blog is now created, to visit that one go to: . When I learn how to post links, I'll post a link to it, but right now that's the best I can do. Jim might be lending me a book on how to program with HTML so that'll be a BIG help :) So I'll be learning and doing some pretty neat stuff!! Woohoo!! Also, I'd like to promote my inspirers website (which has a link to her blog on it *two thumbs up :)* wich is a major bonus. Her site is .She's a really good artist and a really cool person also. So, yup... I'm going to have to start doing some Kin'ta Lett stuff sometime... but hey :) ah well. Think that's all right now... I'm thinkin' that I'm going to hit the blogger websit to change the background of my blog or see if I can... all I have to do is find it.... hmmmm... well, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 03, 2002
Hmmmm.... it's 11:07pm, and I'm kindda tired, and bored... my feet are sore also, wearing my work boots to work ( I know that sounds stupid, but I work at Burger King, so I don't need steel toed boots puttin' burgers in the grill) so yeah.... well it's not my entire foot, it's just my heels. Ah well, as a "person" emailed me and told me to add him more into my blogs so alright Roberticus, you're in there again, you start talkin' to me more and come up with more ideas for the mission and we'll see what happens.... Also, I'm thinkin' of makin' another blog for my Star Trek stuff, so yup.... I'm thinkin' of puttin' up the history and bios of both Kin'ta Lett's.... yes, there's going to be two, one for Star Wars, which there already is and he's a Twi'lek and he's really cool. So I'm going to finish now and go and work on my other blog. So God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Well, this is my first blog of May 3rd 2002, and I'd just like to say, even though the Leafs lost last night, that's only one game out of 7 so, we can still come back. Also, I've been thinkin' about something that's tickled my mind for.... a while I guess, and it was brought up a bit last night while I was talkin' to someone on da phone, and I've come to a decision, I'm not sure if it's the right one or not, but I've decided so there. Yup, now, I can't think of anything else to put up here so I shall be writing to you again between 10:20am and 11:20am MY time, not blog time here, my time, cuz that's the time when I'm in my programming class... so yup, also Jim, I need some CD jewels (or whatever they're called) and also Jim, where were you last night? was there a play practice or somethin' cuz you weren't home and Drewbie brought his comp to your place.... ah well... I must leave now because I have an email to write!!! So, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
May 02, 2002
Well, I haven't posted in...... what time does this blog use!! it says that it's 12:34:44pm on my last blog post and I know for a fact that I posted it at around 3:30pm.... that's just messed up.... Oi, and things were lookin' up for a bit, now they're kindda lookin' down... but who knows what will happen..... Lord Jesus, please Father, I just put all my problems right now into your hands for you to fix and do with what You will. And forgive me please of all the sins I have commited. Amen. Oi, yup, if anyone who's reading this has any spare time and feels like teachin' someone html code, I could go for some of that.... need to learn it so that I can tweak my blog.... so yup... ah well....Think that's all right now. God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Yup, another post on the same day.... don't have much of a life do I? meh, this just popped into my head as I was talkin' to Ashby, if anyone can find a Star Wars Datapad, or computer terminal type background that I could use for my blog background that would be really cool, so yeah, this is my latest post, and might be my last, unless something else triggers me to post something up here... so God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Ooops... I forgot to say hi to other people... Hi GREG!!!!! in BC :( wish yous was here but grr... ah well. And also hi to Dana, a friend for short while, but it's felt like years and that I've known you for a long long time.... also to Wessel, your SeeD idea is, well, not well thought out yet, but keep workin' on it... Kayte, you are really good at drawing so don't stop that!!! and Krysty!!!! Oi, can't forget you, you're the one who introduced me into this!! Thanks and Hi!!!! HEHEHE... I have my own blog... ok yeah.. I'm happy... deal with it :P Yup, I'm goin' to go now.. tootles!! God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Ooga booga booga!!! Yup, just my usual ramblings right now. I don't really have too too much to talk about right now.... 'cept that the Leafs are going to win against the Sens and there's nothin' to it!! So yeah, I just got burned copies of Starcraft from a friend of mine today, he misspelled the expansion one but hey, no one's perfect. Yup, otay, this is to the people who play the Star Wars RPG with me.... Rob and I have a mission in the making, Danny has one finished, but from what he's told me it's only for a few people so we all won't be able to play it... or so he says. I'm still workin' out a few bugs in peoples ideas, but hey. So yeah, my advice if anyone plays Danny's, be very careful, and the rewards are pretty good... I think I'm going to have a talk with him about that, cuz the rewards are just a little much. Ah well, we'll see when the time comes won't we. So yup, on a different note, Ashby and I are joining forces to buy a copy of the new Star Trek RPG, and we have decided that I'm GM or Star Wars and he's GM of Star Trek, so, when we buy it... and oh yes, we ARE buying it, either off of ebay or from the Decipher site we're getting it... we will have both Star Wars and Star Trek going. I'm going to get Ashby to post info about the Star Trek games and whatnot on his blog and the Star Wars stuff on mine. So yeah, I'm just workin' a few kinks out of the system right now, and soon it'll be up and running, oh and Ashby, as far as I know, we are still the highest bidders on the book so, that's good. Yup, also I'd like to say "Hi" to my hunny Jess :) I love you Jess!! :) I know you know, but hey.... hehehehe, now all I have to do is get her to come to my blog :D Now will her school block it off or no? Mine doesn't wich is cool, but then again her's is a Catholic school board so hmmmm. Ah well, yup I'm runnin' out of things to write so I shall stop here and I shall post later. God Bless, have fun, and take care!
Greetings all!! This is my first blog or online type thing ever!! Well, unless you count chatrooms and that sort of thing. But hey... yup, I've been persuaded, well, not really but I'll say that I have, to start up my own blog thingy here. Yup, I might change it and I might not, depends what kind of mood I'm in really. So, I'm going to just stop here, since I don't have much time in class left. So I'll either write more from home, or write more tomorrow so, I shall talk to anyone who reads this later, God Bless, have fun, and take care!
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